- Hei. Jeg havnet i gjeldsfellen rundt 2018 og søkte på nettet angående hjelp til dette og da kom det opp et firma fra Søgne ved navn Debitnor.
Jeg tok da og ringte dem og traff da på en svært så hyggelig kar i andre enden, som fra første sekund jeg snakket med ham oste av kunnskap på dette feltet.
Han hadde lang erfaring som namsmann i over 30 år, på slike saker og kunne regler og forskrifter på inn og utpust.
Slik som jeg har undersøkt og lest omtaler på nettet, så er jeg ganske så sikker på at Debitnor må være noe av det mest proffesjonelle på dette området.
Koster litt penger, men er verdt hvert øre, de skulle gjerne fått mere hadde jeg hatt penger.
Mye være Debitnor har jeg nå fått gjeldsordning via namnsmannen og er gjeldsfri om 4,5år.
TUSEN TUSEN TAKK Debitnor for utmerket og proffesjonellt utført arbeid.les mer.les mindre.Bjørn Ove Langaker18/05/2021 - When you contact Debitnor you are in safe hands from the first moment. With the utmost expertise and at the same time a genuine understanding of man, they advise and help you when things have become too difficult. They see solutions when you can't do it yourself, while helping to lift a big burden for you, making everyday life manageable when in the worst. At Debitnor you will find help from professionals who have been both Namsmann and police for a number of years. When one has got into difficulties, the utmost competence, both professional and human, is crucial. With all due respect, this is not usually found at NAV / Kommunen. Then you have to stand in the shame queue and you are told to call your creditors yourself, while time has gone to the next queue and unsuccessful meeting. Both the competence in relation to your situation and the interest in you as a human being are minimal. You are treated like a burden, like a cross in a form and you feel harassed. In fact, the money you pay to Debitnor becomes like drops in the sea when you have to turn around a difficult situation. It is not about this money the battle stands and one does not notice anything when they become part of a solution. It is worth every penny and it will surely cost far more in both penny and penny and not least psychically to try to negotiate agreements with the creditor yourself, or with someone who does not give you the help you need. Then with the result that you have lost critical time and created a subsequent pressure with promises that you are unable to meet, interest, fees, fees etc.
I got help and tips from Debitnor, where at some point they put me in contact with professionals in their network who managed to arrange refinancing for me. As a result, I was relieved that the situation became critical and that I also actually saved over NOK 6,000 a month compared to before I contacted them. I was otherwise puzzled myself before contacting Debitnor and I was very worried, which characterized me in everyday life. The night's sleep was poor and I was not the husband, father or colleague I can be. They did not charge a penny. Yet they were genuinely interested in both my cause and me as a human being.
At the same time, I learned a lot about how processes are going on and how to avoid being at risk in the future. Once you lose track of your schedule, Debitnor helps you get an overview - even when invoices and claims are not up and running. Once they have obtained the overview, they further help to try to find a voluntary solution with creditors, which is a requirement of Namsmann if he is to be able to stop the creditors' claim and put an amicable solution under coercion, such as debt settlement or payroll. Only the Namsmannen can do this, but then one must have tried to find a voluntary solution with creditors and document this first. This is a job I have all the respect and full understanding that must cost something. The alternative is enough for most that fees, interest rates and claims multiply, while trying to get an overview - if you get it at all. Ultimately, both the house and the assets go into the process because it has gone too far and one does not even possess the expertise, knowledge and mental strength that is needed just when you need it. Then I would rather have paid what is a fraction of all this to Debitnor at the earliest possible, given help and control over the process of feeling that you are in the hands of confident professionals. Time, own lack of skills and abilities are money in this context.
I want to give Debitnor my very best and warmest recommendations, both as professionals and as fellow human beings. I totally understand the critical review below.
For me, the turning point was that moment when I picked up the phone, greeted me and called Debitnor. I also know that Debitnor does a lot for the very weakest in society and in the extreme consequence what they do leads to lives being saved. So all the honors and humble thanks for the efforts Debitnor makes, early and late - all year long.les mer.les mindre.Thomas Stiansen27/11/2017 - De er greie å ha med å gjøre ja man må betale en del men tross alt så må de gjøre en stor jobb for en med å samle inn diverse data om gjeld kan ikke forvente at de skal gjøre det gratis ..De gir jo også masse gratis råd..De er hyggelige og hjelpsomme de er proffe vår sak er ikke avsluttet men vi har fått gode råd ingen tvil råd som gjør at vi kan slappe litt av ..og greit å vite hva rettigheter man har ..når man har kommet i store problemer trenger man forståelse ikke kjeft og klander over hvor dumme man har vært .der er de flinke til å vise forståelse. Øyvind sles mer.les mindre.A Google User26/08/2020
- When you contact Debitnor, you are in safe hands from the start. With supreme competence and at the same time a genuine understanding of people, they advise and help you when things have become too difficult. They see solutions when you can't manage it yourself, at the same time they help to lift a large burden for you, so that everyday life becomes manageable when things are at their worst. At Debitnor, you will find help from professionals who have themselves been both Bailiffs and police for a number of years. When you have found yourself in difficulties, the highest level of competence, both professional and human, is absolutely essential. With all due respect, this is not what you usually find at NAV/the Municipality. Then you have to stand in the queue of shame and you are told to call creditors yourself, while time has passed until the next queue and fruitless meeting. Both the competence in relation to your situation and the interest in you as a person is minimal. You are treated as a burden, as a cross on a form and you feel harassed. The money you pay to Debitnor is actually like drops in the ocean when you have to turn around a difficult situation. It is not about this money that the battle stands, nor do you notice anything about it when it becomes part of a solution. It is worth every penny and it will certainly cost far more both in kroner and øre and not least mentally to try to negotiate agreements with the creditor yourself, or with someone who does not give you the help you need. Often with the result that you have lost critical time and created subsequent pressure with promises that you are unable to keep, interest, fees, fees, etc.
I got help and advice from Debitnor, where they put me in touch with professionals in their network who managed to arrange refinancing for me. This meant that I both avoided the situation becoming critical, and that I also actually saved over NOK 6,000 a month compared to before I contacted them. I was otherwise at a loss myself before I contacted Debitnor and I was very worried, which affected me in my everyday life. The night's sleep was poor and I was neither the husband, father nor colleague I could be. They didn't get paid a penny. Still, they were genuinely interested in both my case and me as a person.
At the same time, I learned a lot about how processes take place and how to avoid ending up in the danger zone in the future. When you have lost track, Debitnor helps you get an overview - even when invoices and claims cannot be collected. Once they have received the overview, they further help in trying to find a voluntary solution with creditors, which is a requirement from the bailiff if he is to be able to stop the advances from creditors and impose an amicable solution under duress, for example a debt settlement or salary deduction. Only the Bailiff can do this, but then you must have tried to find a voluntary solution with creditors and document this first. This is work for which I have every respect and full understanding that it must cost something. The alternative for most people is that both fees, interest and claims multiply, while you try to get an overview - if you get one at all. Ultimately, both the house and assets go into the process because it has gone too far and you don't have the expertise, knowledge and mental strength you need just when you need it. Then I would rather pay what is a fraction of all this to Debitnor as soon as possible, get help and control over the process with the feeling that you are in the hands of safe professionals. Time, own lack of competence and abilities are money in this context.
I would like to give Debitnor my very best and warmest recommendations, both as professionals and as fellow human beings. I completely disagree with the critical review below.
For me, the turning point was the moment when I picked up the phone, plucked up the courage and called Debitnor. I also know that Debitnor does a lot for the very weakest in society and ultimately what they do leads to lives being saved. So all honor and humble thanks for the effort that Debitnor makes, early and late - all year round.les mer.les mindre.Thomas Stiansen27/11/2017 - Jeg vil absolutt anbefale Debitnor, de har gjort en fremdragende jobb for meg. Raske og effektive i forhold til å hjelpe meg. Å ikke noe problem å ringe om det er noe du lurer på, hvor de er eksepsjonelle til å forklare slik at vanlig mennesker forstår alle de innviklede lover regler betyr for en. Tusen takk for all hjelp.les mer.les mindre.A Google User11/02/2019
Vi bistår med total opprydding av din økonomi, gjeldsrådgivning, frivillig gjeldsordning, tilretteleggelse for tvungen gjeldsordning, sanering av gjeld, utenrettslige avtaler, refinansiering og søknad om startlån m.m.
Privatpersoner eller bedrifter – alle opplever oppgangstider og nedgangstider. Nedgang er kanskje grunnen til hvorfor du havnet på våre nettsider.
Truende inkasso, pågående kreditorer, bunker med ubetalte regninger, varsler fra namsmannen og inntekter som ikke strekker til?
Men selv om du er kommet i en gjeldslabyrint, er det alltid en vei ut.
Fyll ut vårt vurderingsskjema, slik at vi kan ringe tilbake til deg for å gi deg en gratis vurdering av din sak. Vi krever ingen medlemsavgift eller annet honorar for å ringe deg tilbake.
Dersom du etter samtalen ønsker videre bistand til opprydding i din økonomi kan du avtale dette med oss, og vårt honorar avtales alltid skriftlig på forhånd slik at du unngår uventede overraskelser.
Det er mulig å takle problemene på egenhånd, men som regel er det best og enklest med en kyndig veiledning.
Vi hjelper deg med veiledning, og viser deg muligheter til å komme deg ut av økonomisk uføre. Vi gir deg også råd om hva som skal til for at dette ikke gjentar seg.
Hva kan vi gjøre for deg?
- Redusere dine månedlige kostnader.
- Fjerne presset fra kreditorene gjennom forhandlinger og ved riktig bruk av eksisterende lover.
- Samle all gjeld til en månedelig betaling der dette er mulig.
- Lede deg gjennom sanering av gjeld, slik at du snarest mulig vil kunne gjenopprette en normal økonomisk tilværelse.
- Stoppe ubehagelige pågang fra inkassobyråer helt eller delvis.
Debitnor AS er en seriøs gjeldsrådgiver som har mange fornøyde kunder, referanser, bakgrunn som Namsmann.
Vi har også bistått flere NAV-kontorer ved flere anledninger.
Kontakt oss nå dersom du ønsker hjelp.